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You Must Know the Trinity (Salvation depends on it)

Most of us understand, to some degree, what the doctrine of the Trinity is: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But what does that even mean? Who is this triune God and why is this doctrine even important?

Scripture has plenty to say about each person in the Trinity and even clarifies each of their roles in the God-head.

In the beginning, at creation, the Father spoke and said things like, “Let there be light.” And, “Let us make man in our image.” (Genesis 1)

The Son, we know (from John 1:1-3) was in the beginning, forming all of the things physically and personally.

The Holy Spirit was there too, hovering over the earth, sustaining, and empowering and keeping it (Genesis 1:2).

Even at Jesus’ baptism, we see the Trinity at work: The Father speaks, “this is my Son…” and the Son is doing the actual, physical work of the baptism, and the Spirit comes down to rest on the Son, then leads Him into the wilderness to be tempted and on to begin His ministry with His first miracle.

But what does all of this have to do with me and my knowing each person of the Trinity personally?

Well, the Father calls us (John 6:44), and we – hopefully – respond to that calling in justifying faith unto salvation.

But the problem is right there.

The Father calls us, but there is no way to respond to the call. He is infinitely good, holy and righteous, and to stand before him, we must be the same. I am not. I have lived in all kinds of rebellion to the Creator’s commands throughout my life. So, even though the Father calls, there is no way we can respond by running to Him as our sins have separated us from His holiness.

Now, even if the Father calls us and the Son comes down, dies on a cross, takes away our sin, and makes a way to the Father, we still will not go to Heaven.

There is still a problem. God’s word says that we are born with deceitful heart, blinded by sin and dead in our trespasses.

We are unable to hear the Father’s call

We are unable to see the truth in the finished work of the Son

We are dead and unable to do anything, even seek after God (Romans 3:10). This is why Jesus says we must be born of the Spirit, a second birth (see John 3:1-8).

See, if the Son and the Spirit of the Trinity both came to us, we would have enlightened eyes and hearts to know we are dreadfully in need of deliverance from wrath and sin, and we would have a propitiation, but there would be no one calling out to us to come. No one drawing us toward heaven. Just understanding and payment, but no one to be paid.

If just the Father and the Spirit interacted with us, we would be called, be able to hear the call, but we would be unable to approach the one calling for lack of a covering for our sins and unholiness. we would still need a perfect sacrifice in our place, that we might become righteous (2 Corinthians 5:21).

While it may seem a trivial thing to discuss or debate the doctrine of the Trinity, it is actually a matter of eternal security or damnation.

Some may know who Jesus is but have no place in the kingdom of God because their relationship lacks a Spirit-filled rebirth.

If you do not know the triune God, let me introduce you to the Father, who is calling you.

Let me introduce you to the Son, who died that you might know Him and have access as a joint-heir with him in His Father’s kingdom because He died in your place and became your sin and bought you back from wrath and hell.

And Let me introduce you to the Spirit, who is moving like the wind breathing new life and light into the hearts of men that they might see and hear and understand this God of love who longs for you to be with Him and in relationship with Him (John 3:8; Ephesians 1:17)

Without any one person of the Trinity, there is no salvation. Without any of the three Persons, there is no God. Do you know God in three Persons?


My name is Adam Casey. I am a counselor at a faith-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation program in North Alabama. Day after day, for hours at a time, I am sitting with men who have seen (and done) some terrible things. Through these counseling sessions, personal struggles, and teaching classes on how Christ is the answer to recovery and reconciliation, many revelatory epiphanies have emerged. All of which are what inspire this blog. I am fully aware of my depravity and certain ability for flaw so make sure to test everything you read here with the word of God. Also, feel free to  write and respond. I love your feedback.

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