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What it Takes to See a Miracle

Wouldn’t it be cool too see Jesus tell the storm to calm and watch as the winds and the waves obey him?

Wouldn’t it be awesome to watch Jesus reach out his hand to touch a blind man and him regain his sight?

How wonderful it would be to see Christ raise the dead right in front of you? Laying cold and stiff, and Jesus talks to the corpse as though it could hear and then to see him respond to Jesus’s call?!

But, let’s consider now two things it would take to experience such incredible things.

First, to see Christ perform such amazing feats, Jesus would need to be on the scene.

Are you prepared for that?

I realize that our body is the temple of God and his Spirit dwells within us, but we are talking about a live, in-person encounter with the Son of God!

Who knows the heart of man.

Who speaks directly to the heart and struggles of each person.

Are you ready for that?

Are you ready for someone to look deep into your heart, in person, and then speak to all of the things, aloud, that you try and push to the back of your mind because you can’t even believe that those thoughts and desires are within you?

Secondly, to experience a healing, a deliverance, or a storm-calming, life-changing event, there’s one more thing you must have first - a problem!

To see a healing from blindness, you would first have to be blind.

To see the storm calmed, you would need, first, a storm.

To experience the shock and awe of someone being raised from the dead, someone’s got to die!

We complain and doubt through all of our struggles in life, somehow forgetting that, if God is going to give each a measure of faith (Romans 12:3), He surely intends to try it.

To grow it.

The truth is, as James says, we should count it all JOY when we enter into trouble.

Of any kind.

The reason for this joy is that we know faith grows and produces endurance to stand in any circumstance.

John Piper once wrote an article called “Trouble: Faith’s Best Friend.” What a true statement according to the Holy Spirit through James.

So now let’s pose the question, are you ready for a miracle or has doubt gripped you so tightly in your trouble that you can only see despair and abandon?

The miracle you experience may be joy.

It may be the peace beyond reason and understanding.

It could be that you find miraculous assurance and resolve in the middle of turmoil!

In John 9, the disciples asked Jesus, “who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?” Jesus quickly let them know that this tragedy was not due to this man or his parents’ sin, but that this blindness was so that they would believe. God was bringing trouble, so that He could reveal His glory and those around might believe and be saved from His own wrath to come.

The struggles, as well as the miracle, are from God.

This is why we can confidently come to Him for help in the middle of it.

He is in complete control! What great news!


My name is Adam Casey. I am a counselor at a faith-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation program in North Alabama. Day after day, for hours at a time, I am sitting with men who have seen (and done) some terrible things. Through these counseling sessions, personal struggles, and teaching classes on how Christ is the answer to recovery and reconciliation, many revelatory epiphanies have emerged. All of which are what inspire this blog. I am fully aware of my depravity and certain ability for flaw so make sure to test everything you read here with the word of God. Also, feel free to  write and respond. I love your feedback.


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