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Be Killing Sin or Sin Will Be Killing You

Sin is dangerous.

Sin is deadly.

Sin steals from you with no remorse.

There is no neutral ground with sin.

Either you will be killing sin, or sin will will be wrecking you. The tricky part is to recognize the sin long before it takes you, and the things you love.

Sin is crouching at the door of your heart and mind, waiting for the opportunity to disrupt everything in your life..

In 2 Samuel, there is a well-known story of David and Bathsheba.

This is a story that would escalate quickly into death and destruction, and more death!

David saw this woman bathing and decided he would bring her over and sleep with her. This was enough trouble on its own. The gossip that would surely spread. The rumors that would attack the integrity of this “man after God’s own heart.”

But then, David found out that Bathsheba was pregnant and he kills her husband (lots of details excluded here).

Because of all of this trouble David had caused, he and Bathsheba lose their child. And then, David’s son commits a similar evil and David finds out but does nothing (I imagine because he feels guilty still and doesn’t want to be a hypocrite). This causes the death of another son.

It would seem, on the surface, that David’s one sin with Bathsheba was the cause of all of his trouble…but that’s not the truth!

There’s a passage before we read about Bathsheba that explains everything:

2 Samuel 11:1

In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle, David sent Joab…But David remained at Jerusalem.

The problem was not David’s lust.

The problem was not David’s greed.

The problem was not David’s murdering another.

The problem happened long before all of that.

In the time when kings go to battle, David stayed home!

In the time when men fight, David lounged.

In the season of standing strong, David gave in to laziness.

All of the bad that would follow was a result of this one verse.

How many things were lost because of this one crucial decision? How much heartache and sorrow would have been avoided had David simply done rightly when he was supposed to?

Now to put this in perspective:

* In the morning, the time when men and women spend time with the Lord, are you staying asleep?

* During the day, the time when children of God remember His laws and commands, do you respond in your emotions?

* In the evening, the time when Christ-followers are patient with their children (even after a long day at work), are you prepared, or do you give in to how you feel?

* How much of your problems and difficulties are a result of one, seemingly insignificant, decision?

Every day has obstacles, challenges, and troubles of its own. If we aren't preparing in the morning, the time when lovers of Christ meet with Him before their day begins, then we will surely fall.

Are we willing to lose a day because we neglect our relationship with God?

Right now is the time of the year when kings go to battle…are you battling? with sin? with self? with desires? or are you just going to sit back and accept the losses that will inevitably come your way!?


My name is Adam Casey. I am a counselor at a faith-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation program in North Alabama. Day after day, for hours at a time, I am sitting with men who have seen (and done) some terrible things. Through these counseling sessions, personal struggles, and teaching classes on how Christ is the answer to recovery and reconciliation, many revelatory epiphanies have emerged. All of which are what inspire this blog. I am fully aware of my depravity and certain ability for flaw so make sure to test everything you read here with the word of God. Also, feel free to  write and respond. I love your feedback.


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