Be Killing Sin or Sin Will Be Killing You
Sin is dangerous. Sin is deadly. Sin steals from you with no remorse. There is no neutral ground with sin. Either you will be killing...

What it Takes to See a Miracle
Wouldn’t it be cool too see Jesus tell the storm to calm and watch as the winds and the waves obey him? Wouldn’t it be awesome to watch...

6 Reasons Your Prayer Life is Unfruitful
Have you been feeling like your prayers are falling on deaf ears? Do you feel like your prayers reach no farther than the ceiling? Well,...

About Judging Others (and why you should)
Working at a rescue mission for addiction and substance recovery, i frequently hear people say things like, “only God can judge me,” or...

You Must Know the Trinity (Salvation depends on it)
Most of us understand, to some degree, what the doctrine of the Trinity is: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But what does that...

Satan's Gospel
Satan preached a gospel to Jesus, and now he presents us with the same message. Don't be fooled by it

Where 2 or 3 are Gathered...to Kick You Out!
Think about the countless times we have heard someone say, or even pray that “where two or three are gathered together, there is God in...

Don't Rush to Comfort
Everyone says they have faith, but is it saving faith? Is your faith the kind that gains you access to heaven? Is there another kind of...

Blind Faith is Stupid Faith
I remember, as a kid, asking questions about God and the Christian faith only to be met with a subtle rebuke of, “You jus’ gotta take it...

Where was God?
Have you ever had a situation come up that made you ask God, “Where are you?” Working at a rehabilitation facility and homeless shelter...

When Babies Die...
So many people have asked me the question, "What happens to babies that die? If Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no man...

We don't preach to save men...
The salvation of others is an incredible, wonderful part of our purpose in the will and plan of God, but the salvation of men is not our...

God Doesn't Want to Use You
The bible clearly teaches in Romans 3:10-11, “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no on seek for God.” In Ephesians 2:1...

Your Grumbling could be sinful
Plenty of times the word talks about grumbling, but we would never hold it to the same degree of disdain as we do other, more heinous...

Lies You've Heard at Church
Many of us have sat in church for decades building our collage of beliefs. Some we picked up from pastors, some from Sunday school teachers,